Way back in October I was in the middle of the task of portraying a slew of monsters from the late '50s and early '60s mags for The Goods' part in the Countdown to Halloween when I posted about a monster by the name of BOMBU. He is a witch doctor-like being of normal human height who happens to be an invading alien from another planet. The thing is that the creature who appears on the cover of the issue featuring BOMBU and the creature who is referred to on that cover as BOMBU looks nothing like that, he looks like this:

The fine folks here at The Goods checked around and as far as we could tell the creature who appears above has never truly been named or heard from again. So, prompted by a legend told by local raconteur Jeff Wooten, we put on an expedition into the very heart of the Nameless Swamp of the Amazon. He had met an heretofore unknown tribe that settled there during the dry season by the name of The Wombatu People. The story he told was theirs.
The monster was said to be over forty feet tall with claws the size of an entire person. It roamed the swamp land eating both plant and animal alike--and it enjoyed eating full grown anaconda most of all. The Wombatu People used to make sacrifices to this creature whom they called a "demon" until they realized that no matter what they offered to it, it would do as it pleased regardless.
Our photo-journalist was there in the Nameless Swamp for the entire dry season in occasional contact with us via messenger and sat-com. The creature was a ghost. It made no appearance all season long. That is, until the photo below. It was found among our reporter's things scattered in a small camp-site in the jungle. Apparently it is the only chance he had to document the thing the Wombatu People called... WOMBATU-UH-OH!

I'm very glad you left out the part where I'd been filling up on the whiskey-a-go-go before meeting up with those wascally Wombatus. But wow, that's a great sketch!!!!! Pleased your camera was working!
Glad you like how he came out. Took him long enough to show up. Too bad he ate me before I could get him to smile for the camera...
At least you're getting good internet reception in the digestive tract.
Good thing I brought my scuba gear.
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