Sunday, October 14, 2018

30 THEATRICAL TERRORS: Ginger Snaps (Day 12)

It starts out quirky and dark as the sisters act out their own elaborate death scenes in an almost shockingly gleeful way.  That caught me off guard, but it wasn’t long before the black humor reached me and I was drawn into their world.

Little do most men know or understand the secret lives of teenage girls—it’d be really creepy if we did. But the point is that some forms of fiction, be it books, television or movies sometimes give us a peek into that mystery that we could only guess at.

GINGER SNAPS is, easily, one of the best werewolf movies ever made, but what makes it so much more intriguing is that the female leads, the sisters who have to deal with one of them going through the change (get it?) of lycanthropy, are so completely and strangely unique in how they are drawn.

Emily Perkins and Katharine Isabelle are flawless.
And the movie is close to flawless, too.
And it has a killer soundtrack,
now that I think about it.

Meet the girls:

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