Monday, October 22, 2018

30 THEATRICAL TERRORS: An American Werewolf in London (Day 20)

I was in the process of writing up an intro of THE HOWLING when I was reminded that although it is an excellent werewolf film by the talented Joe Dante, it doesn’t really measure up to

John Landis wrote and directed the horror comedy for a 1981 release that tells the tale of two American students who are attacked in rural England by a werewolf while backpacking. Jack is killed and David wakes up in the hospital where his dead friend appears before him to warn him of the impending transformation.

From there, the film goes to some very traditional and some very non-traditional places as the black humor is played up while the death toll rises and the love story deepens.

The film has become a cult classic and is noted for it’s killer transformation sequences. But it should be more noticed for it’s excellent writing and fine performances.

Here’s a peek at what a few superb trailers hold…


  1. I watched it as a kid. I loved the transformation, but otherwise did not find the film very scary. I quite enjoyed The Howling, although I find it often frustrating, I liked it enough to buy the original novel, which I found quite superior, in spite of its many flaws.

    I need to revisit An American Werewolf in London.

    My commentary on The Howling novel:
