Sunday, October 15, 2017

TERROR TEE-VEE: A Countdown to Halloween (Day 15)


In mid-March of this year, 
we lost Bernie Wrightson.

If you know horror, you know of Bernie.

I met him twice at HeroesCon in Charlotte—
he was quiet and nice and it was a privilege to look at his art in person.

Bernie is known for his brilliant illustrative work on his adaptation of the FRANKENSTEIN novel.  It was a project he worked on for seven years.  He is also known as the co-creator of Swamp Thing, DC Comics very own muck monster—the most popular of all the muck monsters.  But what he should be most remembered for is the sheer quality of his line, the perfect attention to light and darkness and the genius of his compositions.

I’ll shut up and let some examples of his work speak for itself…
and, as always, CLICK the images for a real look at the details—
after all, the DEVIL is in there.

1 comment:

  1. He was an amazing talent. So glad we have all the wonderful art he left behind.
