Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Solemn Company: The Countdown to Halloween (Day 4)

Been a busy day here at The Goods, so let's have a quick post tonight.  A poem by the impossible to research Molly Capes (great name for a superhero tailor) from the excellent volume of short Halloween tales I told you about  entitled GHOSTS AND GOBLINS by Wilhelmina Harper.

by Molly Capes

Bolt and bar the front door,
Draw the curtains tight,
Wise folk are in before
Moonrise tonight.

Halloween, Halloween,
Chestnuts to roast,
A gift for the fairy,
A prayer for the ghost.

Who will have their fate told
This night is known,
Whose hand is full of gold,
Who goes alone.

Halloween, Halloween,
Snapdragon blue,
A lover for me
And a fortune for you.

Stars shiver blue and green,
Moon’s wide and white;
There tattered clouds between
Witches take flight.

Halloween, Halloween,
Apples a-bob,
Elves at the keyhole 
And imps on the hob.

“Twelve” calls the deep bell
To the hollow night;
“Twelve” whisper steeple tops
Far out of sight.

Halloween, Halloween,
Fires burn high,
Who shall say certainly,
Who can tell truthfully
What solemn company
Pass through the sky?

Freaky Fact:
When snapdragons die, they look like skulls or screaming demon faces--check it out...

I suppose that does it for tonight, kiddies...
and so I leave you with this image to get you through the day...

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