Thursday, October 13, 2016

Music To Murder To: Countdown to Halloween (Day 13)

Every year I participate in this “Countdown to Halloween” I’m amazed by the sheer quantity and quality of my fellow Countdowners(?)—I mean, forget my little blog, check out what these fine folks are doing, etc.
And so, tonight, I’m making it a point to point out what I think are the most interesting and entertaining blogs participating in the Countdown this year!  And because I dig a good Halloween Tune, I'm only going to look at some sweet blogs that put their focus on the Sounds of the Season...

First up there’s this one dedicated to the great lost and little-heard Halloween songs that get swept under the Monster Mash tide every October by Jenny Barton.

Then we have Spock's Record Round-Up which is a music blog that gets Halloweeny this time of year and we get compilations and other nifty music and sound finds that are bound to entertain!

Next up is a Podcast you can subscribe to all the time, but the genuine theme of the music and sound is horror (psychobilly, horror punk, demented surf, etc.) and it’s called Six Foot Plus!

And there’s also the not to be forgotten DestroyExist which is a very informative blog about each band they link to on sites such as YouTube and the like for each song of the day.  Some real gems are up here too!

My personal favorite this year is Halloween Hits which seems to have the ambitious goal to release one compilation mix per day for all 31 days of October!  There are 13 free to download right now and, I assume, many more to come!  Sure, there are plenty of songs I already have, but there are quite a few others that I’m new to  And the cover art on each download is classic stuff taken from classic horror films and pop culture!


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