Thursday, October 1, 2015


Welcome back to the COUNTDOWN TO HALLOWEEN,
an annual celebration of the endless aspects of the season and Halloween itself.  If you’d like to visit my fellow traveler’s blogs and sites to see what wonders they’re weaving as they participate in this blogathon, simply click the button to the top-right of my blog featuring the Frankenstein’s Monster Mask—it’ll take you to the central host site from which you can do just that.
The guys who run this thing are top-notch Halloween Kings and I salute them!

Most years I try to have at least a central theme to my Halloween Blog and this year, right at the edge of beginning it, I’ve finally decided to focus on Witches—how society has perceived them over the years, how they actually were, how superstitious hysteria played out throughout the “civilized world” all the way up to fictional Witches in pop culture who play on those perceptions and sometimes even quell them.

A word as powerful and ambiguous as “witch” can lead down many a road as many cultures have different takes on what it means to be a witch—because they are many things and one thing all at once.  

Now this ain’t no serious blog, but I do aim to educate myself a bit, as I always seem to do while taking part in this countdown, and I hope that you can take something away from it as well!  If nothing else, a chuckle or two, at least.

Well, what are we waiting for, let the countdown begin--but first, a word from our sponsor:


  1. Witches are a fascinating subject.

  2. Agreed. Looking forward to followng up on the subject all month.
