Saturday, August 2, 2014

August Drawings Rendered Before August

Drawings completed before the month of August by yours truly of the following subjects...

Groot, drawn as he was originally portrayed by the King.
He is an alien monster to be feared and respected for he had come to our world to enslave it!
And he would have too, if it weren't for those stinking termites!
(Click on any of the images here to enlarge them for a better look!)

Sketch of the serial killing cannibal Hannibal Lecter from one of his seminal moments.
Didn't bother with drawing a likeness of Anthony Hopkins. 

Ladies and gentlemen: The Batman!

Eric Powell's Goon, a fine upstanding citizen of the world
who don't mind getting dirty to get the job done.

Edgar Rice Burroughs' Lord of he Apes is moving through the jungle
with the speed of a jungle cat.
(My favorite thing about this one is the limbs of the trees--came out better than I'd hoped.)
(Click on any of the images herein and view them as intended!)

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