Sunday, February 9, 2014


Well, after a disastrous January with a combination of health problems and a murderous cold that is still crawling around in my airway occasionally, I return to THE GOODS to find that I've not been active here since the New Year.

Let's remedy that with an art upload of serious size!
(Remember to enlarge with a click of your mouse!)

You'll notice John Rambo, John McClane, Jim Gordon and Batman (with the Joker) above.

Amy Racecar of David Lapham's STRAY BULLETS.

A very loose Spidey sketch.

Doctor Doom bracing for attack from above by that large Spidey sketch!

That Punisher grenade-throwing again... tsk-tsk!

The Lobster about to serve up some dead fish!

Miracle/Marvel Man opening some steel doors.

Frankie Raye AKA Nova, Herald of Galactus.

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