Wednesday, October 16, 2013


(Free Films For Fido)

Films based on Stoker's novel DRACULA have been countless (heh) and can vary greatly from the source material.

To be able to use the general plot from the novel, German Expressionist filmmaker F.W. Murnau, was forced to change names and other details of his 1922 film.  Count Dracula became Count  Orlok, vampire became nosferatu, etc.  Stoker's heirs still sued and won the day, forcing the studio to destroy all copies of the film.  Luckily for us, one print survived.

And, dear viewers, here is the most complete version of the movie, clocking in at about 93 minutes, around 8-9 minutes longer than the other version you can find just below this one.  Not sure if I like the color or style of the fonts used in this version, btw...

Here we have the shorter version, but without all the odd fontery (that's not a word?!!?):

And, whenever one goes swimming around on the internet, the youtubes and the like, it's not hard to get many different versions of the thing one is looking for.  In this case, another adaptation of the masterpiece...

And another... BBC take...

And one more 'gain... by that Ford Coppola fella...

And, finally, Mel Brooks' parody of the Coppola version

And now for something completely different:

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