Friday, October 22, 2010

Halloween Countdown Day 22: ROMMBU!

Next up in our Monster Parade, we have he who's name made mankind tremble...ROMMBU! Used Photoshop to throw some colors on this dude in a little more detailed way than I did Googam a few nights ago for our inaugural Kirby Monster. Came out fairly well, I think. Click on him for an expanded view, don't be afraid now!

Above we have the original pencils and below is his story...

Sent to Earth as an advance warrior-scout, Rommbu threatened the conquest of the planet and the destruction of mankind after having landed his space ship in the path of a train. From that train a convicted criminal escaped and hid in Rommbu's ship. The alien invader soon discovered the man onboard and captured him, subjecting him to his mind scanning devices. Rommbu learned of this man's criminal background and assumed that he would be a turncoat. When Rommbu needed to land his ship to recharge the batteries, he was tricked by his human captive into landing in an active volcano. The volcano erupted, presumably destroying Rommbu and his ship.

Later, of course, it was revealed that Rommbu had somehow survived the volcano.

Trivia: Anyone who is brave enough to Google (wouldn't that have been a great name for a Marvel Monster?) Rommbu will be attacked by Google again and again with the pestering question "Did you mean: ROOMBA?" Yes, the robotic vacuum cleaner (a little known Ditko monster)! If you dare, enjoy the consequences! I be I get Roomba crap in the mail for that...

And finally.... is this your card?


  1. These halloween cards are great. I really like this one for some reason. Pardon me but my Roomba is calling me.

  2. Trying to take over the world...
