Monday, October 25, 2010

Countdown to Halloween Day 25: Nothing can stop... GOOM!

Father of Googam, Goom, is the choice for our latest visit to the world of Marvel Monsters Kirby style. Went with a straight to pencils version of Goom and tried to stick to the Kirby formula for his look and how he would move. Goom made his first appearance in TALES OF SUSPENSE #15...

Before we share with you the story of Goom, a brief reminder of Stephen Hawking's warning against humanity contacting an otherworldly intelligence as it could turn out badly for us. And now on to the tale...

Goom, a criminal on his home planet--Planet X, a planet in our solar system, but hidden from our knowledge by way of time and space warps--, is contacted by an Earth scientist using radio waves. Seeing our world as easy pickings, the helmet headed monster steered his space ship in our direction. Once he arrived, he caused all kinds of mayhem, finding himself to be much more powerful on our planet than his own. He then held the scientist's wife hostage while the Earth's leaders were led to him to surrender.

As a show of might, he took one of the men and placed him in his "time machine" and de-aged the man to his infancy. Secondly, Goom used his telekinesis to lift an entire city. Just as the Earth men were about to give up hope and surrender, the scientist who had originally summoned the beast contacted Goom's home planet again, begging them for help. They soon arrive and take Goom back with them to their home planet to be punished. Little do they know that Goom has left a son behind on Earth to continue his ways...

Here we have the card of the day:

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