Monday, October 18, 2010

Countdown to Halloween Day 18: HEY KIDS, COMICS!

In this, my last posting before the PARADE OF KIRBY MONSTERS begins, I figured I'd throw in a little bit of everything you can find comic-wise involving All Hallow's Eve. The above is an old DC ad from the early eighties, I think. Ol' Cain wants to warp your mind with strange, creepy comics.

And here I thought Vlad would be okay with trick or treating--apparently he doesn't do the Unicef thing.

I guess this is before Bugs met Witch Hazel...

Lulu was hanging out with Hazel...

Bugs playing the role of stinker again--scaring the crap out of Porky. Notice that Bugs is a naked witch and Porky is, perhaps, a Mr. Hyde?

Don't believe I've ever seen a Dell Dracula comic before. As is usually the case with Dell, nice cover!

For some reason this cover freaks me out a little bit. It's probably the way they're all crouched around that Jack O' Lantern like it's some kind of ritual they're about to, or maybe it's those cult masks--wait it's that fifteen cents price mark!

You'd think even the Headless Horseman would pass on Alfred E. Newman's head.

Well, enough fun kids, the following covers are from some of the famous comics of the infamous Jack Chick. Chick is, let's just say he's an advocate against things like Halloween among an endless list of others. Chick is all about the hard sell, I wonder if he's ever done a comic about the evils of comic books? Hmm... Nevertheless, if you get a chance check into Jack Chick as his mind is a terrible thing. Entertaining, sure, but... hey, interesting covers anyway...

And now another fine Hallowe'en card for your amusement and edification:


  1. Those Dell covers are awesome! They would've made nice Halloween cards.
