The hits just keep coming...
Excerpt from page 82-83 of TURMOIL IN THE TOYBOX by Phil Phillips
“Rainbow Brite is a little girl who “can bring sprinkles of color to the darkest day and put a bright smile on a little girl’s face.” She is a cute little girl. She often is seen gliding through the air on her magical flying horse, Starlite. Rainbow Brite and her friends live at the end of the rainbow where all the colors of the earth are created. This sounds very cute and perfect for little girls. But, take another look. This toy and cartoon series is laden with occult symbolisms.
Rainbow Brite lives in Rainbow Land with her friends, the Color Kids, and Sprites, the happy little workers who mine and manufacture Star Sprinkles. It is Rainbow Brite’s job to fight the forces of gloom in order to keep the world bright and filled with color and happiness. In doing so, she often meets with horrifying monsters. Although Rainbow Brite is fighting for a worthwhile cause, the intensity and violence of these scenes are much more than any five-year old can handle. Yet, it is for this age group that the cartoons were designed.
The very basis for this series, the rainbow, also causes concern for many Christians. Although many people collect rainbows, primarily for their colored beauty, few realize their significance. According to the Word of God, rainbows are a symbol of God’s everlasting covenant that He never again would destroy the earth by flood. But for New Agers, those who uphold the tenets of the New Age Movement or Humanism, the rainbow holds a different meaning. New Agers use “rainbows to signify their building of the ‘Rainbow Bridge’ (antahkarana) between man and Lucifer who, they say, is the over-soul.
Children today are filled with Humanistic teachings at school. In fact, Humanism has become so commonplace in our lives, that we fail to recognize the occult symbolisms that are the root of these tenets. Nevertheless, Humanism is contradictory to God’s Word. Thus, any toy or cartoon series that employs symbolisms from the New Age Movement is also in contradiction to Scripture.”

Now we can see that he’s grasping for straws with Rainbow Brite. First he brings up the violence and monsters (can’t even remember them, must be because I had to block out the memories). Then again, I wasn’t a regular viewer, so I could be misremembering. How scary WAS Rainbow Brite? Was it scarier than Kolchak the Nightstalker or Salem’s Lot or even Scooby Doo, shows I saw at about the same age? I shall have to check the YouTubes...
So because the rainbow can even be percieved as meaning something other than what the Bible states, it has to be disqualified completely as a symbol for the good Christian child? What bothered me most was that the author used the term “Rainbow Bridge” and failed to mention that it is the bridge to Asgard, realm of the Norse Gods. Disturbing, for me, especially, as it ignores all of the good old Pagan talk that the writer could’ve used to fuel his rant. Ah well, I guess he had to set up more of the Anti-Humanism talk for later in the book...
There you have it, kids: Rainbow Brite is not only symbolic of the occult, it is too dark and violent for any five year old to handle.